Quem é o responsável disso?! Fake news e responsabilidade enunciativa em tempos da COVID-19


  • Emilia Shocron Facultad de Humanidades y Artes (UNR)




Socio discursive interactionism, Voices in the discourse, Enunciative responsibility, Fake news


Socio discursive interactionism supports the idea that utterances are not the exclusive responsibility of the text’s authors, since, through many enunciation mechanisms they manage to transfer part of the responsibility of what they say to other declarative Socio discursive interactionism supports the idea that utterances are not the exclusive responsibility of the text’s authors, since, through many enunciation mechanisms they manage to transfer part of the responsibility of what they say to other declarative instances. In this paper we analysed fake news spread via Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic, trying to identify the mechanisms that allow us to recognise said transference, and whether, in this particular context, declarative responsibility is transferred to voices coming from the scientific community. In line with this objective, we present some of the main characteristics of the scientific speech according to María Isabel Diéguez, in order to reflect upon its possible exploitation from the authors while producing fake news.


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How to Cite

Shocron, E. . (2022). Quem é o responsável disso?! Fake news e responsabilidade enunciativa em tempos da COVID-19. Infosur, (1), 62–89. https://doi.org/10.35305/revinfosur.vi1.57